Washakie County Prevention
County Prevention Specialist
Lila Jolley
801 Big Horn Ave., Suite 216
Worland, WY 82401
Washakie County Prevention
Description: County Prevention covers 5 main areas: Underage Drinking, Adult Overconsumption, Tobacco, Other
Drugs, and Suicide. This program works to reduce the use and abuse of these main substances as well as educate our
community about mental health issues. In order to reach this goal, prevention collaborates with the Washakie
Prevention Coalition is comprised of parents, youth, educators, law enforcement, health and mental health
professionals, youth-serving organizations, local businesses, and many others who believe in the goal of a drug-free
Programs Offered:
Tips Training - Responsible Alcohol Server Training
WyoQuit Tobacco Referral - WyoQuit Link
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) - Suicide Prevention Training
Safe Talk - Suicide Prevention Training
Youth Mental Health First Aid- Suicide Prevention Training
Helpful Link
County Prevention is funded through the Wyoming Department of Health using both Federal Grants and State funds.
In addition, County Prevention works in collaboration with Washakie County Youth Alternatives via the county’s
Drug Free Communities grant. For more information on Washakie County’s prevention programs and the Washakie
Prevention Coalition, visit www.washakiepreventioncoalition.org