Grant Programs
Grants Director:
Sheri Gunderson
801 Big Horn Ave., Suite 217
Worland, WY 82401
Grant Programs
Description: Grant programs enhance the lives of youth and families in Washakie County by providing resources that would otherwise not be available to our rural community. Grants are targeted toward programs that support at-risk youth. Current grants include:
Current Grants:
·Drug-Free Communities (DFC) grant:
Washakie County was awarded a DFC grant in October 2018, providing $125,000 annually for up to five years through September 2023. This grant supports the work of the Washakie Prevention Coalition and has two major goals:
1.) Establish and strengthen the collaboration among communities, public and private nonprofit agencies, and Federal, State, local and tribal governments to support the efforts of community coalitions to prevent and reduce substance use among youth.
2.) Reduce substance use among youth and, over time, reduce substance use among adults by addressing the factors in a community that increases the risk of substance abuse and promoting the factors that minimize the risk of substance abuse.
County Prevention grant:
Washakie County was awarded a two-year County Prevention grant in July 2018 through the Wyoming Department of Health, providing $218,434 every two years. This grant addresses five of Wyoming’s top priorities (underage alcohol and youth marijuana use, adult overconsumption of alcohol, tobacco use, opioid/prescription drug misuse/abuse and other drugs, and suicide) and provides opportunities and additional resources to Counties to implement data-driven and evidence-based substance abuse and suicide prevention plans that positively impact substance use and mental health.
For more information on Washakie County’s substance use and suicide prevention efforts,
visit the links below:
· Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) grant:
Washakie County receives a grant annually through the Wyoming Department of Family Services to provide TANF funding to area organizations that serve eligible families. Under federal law, TANF grants target programs addressing one (1) or more of the following:
· Provide assistance to needy families so that children may be cared for in their own homes or in the homes of relatives;
· End the dependence of needy parents on government benefits by promoting job preparation, work and marriage;
· Prevent and reduce out-of-wedlock pregnancies and establishing annual numerical goals for preventing and reducing the incidence of these pregnancies; and
· Encourage the formation and maintenance of two (2) parent families
Programs must serve families that meet TANF income standards. Subrecipient organizations for 2021/2022 include the Worland Youth Learning Center, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Ten Sleep Library’s After the Bell program, Crisis Prevention and Response Center and Cloud Peak Counseling Center.
Volunteers of America Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (VOA OJJDP) grant:
Washakie County receives a grant to support 5 core protections regarding the confinement of juveniles in Wyoming. These funds are to be used solely for the purpose of the following:
· Deinstitutionalization of Status Offenders (DSO)
· Separation of Juveniles from Adults in Institutions
· Removal of Juveniles from Adult Jails and Lockups (Jail Removal)
· Compliance Monitoring
· Racial and Ethnic Disparities (RED), formerly known as Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC)
Other grants:
Washakie County also pursues additional grants to benefit the communities of Ten Sleep and Worland. Awards include:
Wyoming Business Council Community Enhancement Grant (2020):
· $500,000 for Worland Library Business/Community Support Center
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) (2016):
$136,117 for Ten Sleep Library expansion
For more information about Washakie County Grant Programs, contact: