
Circuit Court  (307) 347-2702

Judge Edward Luhm

Nichole Lyman

Becky Hernandez

Assessor (307) 347-2831

Nancy Quinn, Assessor

Caryn Agee

Bobby Swalstad

Hannah Pebbles

District Court (307) 347-4821

Judge Bobbi Overfield

Christy Schneider, Clerk of the Court

Hillary Wall

Paris Caines

Treasurer (307) 347-2031

Doris Kern, Treasurer

Danielle Filler

Shawna Snider



County Clerk (307) 347-3131

Lily Rakness Parra, Clerk

Brenda Ferguson

Amanda Isbell

Yolanda Campos

County Attorney (307) 347-3115

Anthony Barton, County Attorney

Amy L. Smith, Deputy County Attorney

Sherri Meeks

Christina Trifan

Planner (307) 347-6778


Public Health (307) 347-3278

Family Planning (307) 347-3866

Nancy Patrick, Office Manager

Marcia Craft, Office Assistant

Amanda Heinemeyer, RN/Nursing Manager             

Nichole Chatwin, RN

Katrina Lombard, RN

Angela Leone, Public Health Response Coordinator

Road & Bridge (307) 347-4361

Stuart Bower, Superintendent

Ed Henning

Mike Twiss

Jessica Twiss

Building Maintenance/       (307) 431-5104


Breck Buer, Supervisor           

Kyle Emerson (Fairgrounds Scheduling) 307-431-4160

Candy Treanor

Law Enforcement  (307) 347-2242

Austin Brookwell, Sheriff

Gabe Elliot, Police Chief

Ambulance (307) 347-9191

Sandy Beck

Youth Alternative (307) 347-2760

Sheri Gunderson

Katie Kirby

Lila Jolley

Extension Office (307) 347-3431

Amber Armajo

Erica Reasoner

Angela Michel

Caitlin Youngquist

County Coroner (307) 431-0449

Jeff Lapp, County Coroner

Landfill (307) 347-3846

Mike Siegfried

City of Worland (307) 347-2486

Randy Adams, City Planner  ext. 103

Municipal Court Clerk, option 2

Town of Ten Sleep (307) 366-2265

Fax (307) 366-2228


Aaron Anderson (307) 388-2717

Terry Wolfe (307) 388-4508

Morgan Martinez (307) 431-8182